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So, IS the Urantion Order of Melchizedek a Cult?

Well, quite frankly ... yes.

However, "yes" only as the word was dictionary-defined, before being highjacked by self-styled "deprogrammers" in the early 1970s: "a sect; the devotees of a certain person or idea."

But first, little History...

The Urantian Order of Melchizedek began it's formation in the early 1980s in response to four simulatneous factors unfolding at the time:

* A creative inspiration told in casual conversation, one friend to another, which included the other three - following - timely factors:

* The burgeoning AIDS epidemic rapidly spreading throughout in the Gay population;

* The state of religio-spiritual ignorance, including the popular misbelief in an angry, bad-tempered, vengeful "God", capable of hating his own children because of who they are, being just as he created them.

* The Commerciality infecting anything perceived as a facet of the "New Age" movement, which virtually subsumed all the existing Natural and Spiritual Healing methods and practices.

Now to answer the question in detail...

Yes, we're a cult - because we are a sect.

But not because our sect's primary literary inspiration for how we personally experience God, and our realtionship which Him, is the Urantia Book - which self-purports to be the 5th Epocal Revelation.

But yes - because we are devotees of the ideas contained in Urantia Book, all of which inform the manner in which we conduct our lives, and how we demonstratively enact God's unconditional love for all his children, through our Spiritual Healing ministry.

And no - because, although we don't follow the traditional Christian religion about Jesus , we do follow the religion of Jesus, who lived His religious values in all his activities, and His perfect teachings.

And, incidentally, yes - because, as an Order ("sect") of Spiritual Healers, our contract is Divinely-Binding ... our Vows of Service are made before God. (It's a matter of authentic committment.)

And even also, yes - because we are a Jesusonian sect, and we firmly refuse financial renumeration for the Healing services we offer.

But no - because the highest percentage of people we serve are the least able to afford what they most need ... the unhesitating Healing touch of another human being, who's gratefully cognizant of the value of that person's presence on this planet.

But maybe yes, because we call this planet Urantia. You decide ... but only after reading the entire Urantia Book, so you can make an informed judgement.

And, by the way, no - because we do not fancy ourselves to be actual, or even channelled personalities of the Celestial Order of Melchizedek.

But, perhaps again, yes - because the precepts supporting our efforts toward unselfish intergrity in our personal and vocational behaviors and service, are the same as those of that Celestial Order.

And most-probably yes - because, in honor of, and fond alliance with their purpose of service to God and humanity, we have audaciously taken that Celestial Order's good name upon ourselves.

But finally and absolutely, no - because we're really just an Activities Group with the happy purpose of spreading the benign virus of Love.

So that's the "cliff notes" about this cult known as the Urantian Order of Melchizedek ... what it is, and what we do.

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