The gods who go on a rampage in the storm, shaking the earth in their wrath,
These are but brittle, stagnant relics of long passed times, when men
These are imagined gods of primitive man's religion ...
He is our Heavenly Father ... He who truly is and who rules all the universes
Mankind's religions continue to suffer from the influence of ancient
fear-born concepts of God...
striking down men in their anger; gods who inflict their horrible
judgments of displeasure in times of famine and flood...
supposed the universe was under the domination of the whims
of easily angered, childishly-vengeful gods.
they are not the God who lives, and is most-perfectly unhidden from mortal minds
in the pages of the Urantia Book, the 5th Epocal Revelation.
with abiding, unconditional Love for all His children.
The barbarous idea of appeasing an angry God, of propitiating an offended Lord, of winning the favor of Deity through sacrifices and penance and even by the shedding of blood, represents a religion wholly puerile and primitive, a philosophy unworthy of an enlightened age of science and truth. Such beliefs are utterly repulsive to the celestial beings and the divine rulers who serve and reign in the universes. It is an affront to God to believe, hold, or teach that innocent blood must be shed in order to win his favor or to divert the fictitious divine wrath.
The Urantia Book ~ page 60
Facing the world of personality, God is discovered to be a loving person; facing the spiritual world, he is a personal love; in religious experience he is both. Love identifies the volitional will of God. The goodness of God rests at the bottom of the divine free-willness -- the universal tendency to love, show mercy, manifest patience, and minister forgiveness.
The Urantia Book ~ page 41