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"Spirituality becomes at once the indicator of one's nearness to God
and the measure of one's usefulness to fellow beings."
~ The Urantia Book, 100.2.4 ~

We are an initiatory Melchizedek Healing Order, dedicated to actively manifesting
the Ministry of God's Unconditional Love for all His children.

Our Ministers are endowed with the Chrism of Healing,
so that we may be authentic living expressions
of the religion Jesus demonstrated in His life and teachings,.

Ours is a lineage of dispensation and empowerment, affording us
the abilities with which to best serve the Healing needs
of our communities and neighbors.

Healing by the Laying-on of Hands is given freely, without requiring recompense.
When necessary, we are able to transmit Living Healing Energy distantly,
for the convenience of the Receiver.

Although ours is a specialized Vocation, we live ordinary, independent lives,
conducted within our individual communities.

Thus,, we are in no way more "special" than anyone else.
We're really just one of myriad threads in the warp and weft of the
fabric of life on this planet.


Individually, we each maintain our own personal religio-spiritual beliefs and practices.
Our Order includes Catholic and Protestant Christians, Hindus, Jews and Buddhists.

Together, we're Jesusonians: ... living the religion of Jesus ~
rather than presently-traditional Christians, who follow the religion about Him.

Thus, as a group, we respectfully understand the doctrine of the redemption of humanity
by the Bloody Atonement of the Cross to be a later addition to the faith,
conceived in erroneous sincerity, as the Church developed her doctrines -
particularly during the first century following Jesus' momentously significant
Life, Death and Resurrection..


Many people are fearful of lesser-known religious and spiritual groups,
which they often perceive as "cults."

click here to read about UOOM's formation,
and it's relationship to the word "cult."


1. God exists. Existence is independent of belief.

2. God is absolutely knowable in human experience.

3. Love is the most powerful Force in existence. It is God's Will to have loving Eternity-relationship with us, who are His unconditionally beloved children.

4. Eternity-Relationship can be realized by developing faith, the essence of which is trust in our Heavenly Father's divine parental Love for us.

5. The ministry and spiritually evolutionary effect of God’s Love is infinite ~ and only limited by our perceptive capabilities at every moment.

6. We live in an orderly, intelligent, safe, and progressive Universe - the arena of opportunity for our realization of, and particiption in, God‘s Loving Will for us.

7. Human life has divinely-intended Purpose. There is meaning in our history, value in every situation, and hope for ourselves and all future generations.

8. Our highest human hope lies in our capacity to desire - and willingness to make manifest - Truth, Beauty and Goodness in ourselves, and in relationship with our neighbors and our environment ~ thus becoming living expressions of our Heavenly Father‘s Loving Will for Light and Life.

As a group, The Urantia Book - along with specific biblical verses,
is our main literary source of of spiritual enlightenment.

click here to read

The Urantia Book online

Reading this book ~ the 5th Epocal Revelation ~
will exponentially accelerate your spiritual evolution.


* Some Links For The Journey *

Please write for further information
or if you are in need of Spiritual Healing


Aum-ing ~ Aum-ing ~ Aum-ing

~ our webmaster ~
Mazarak Melchizedek

copyright 1995, 2003, 2011 Urantian Order of Melchizedek

The Urantian Order of Melchizedek has no control over, and does not necessarily endorse
any pop-up or embedded advertisements appearing on this website.